Tvůrce prestižních vzdělávacích programů Carnegie Learning ve spolupráci se Scientific Learning, Vám přináší vědou ověřené poznatky, které můžete ihned využít ve svých hodinách. Webináře jsou určené pro učitele ZŠ a SŠ, pro asistenty pedagogů a pro management škol a vedou je mezinárodně uznávaní spíkři v oblasti pedagogiky, neurovědy a psychologie.
Webinář pro učitele zdarma (V ANGLIČTINĚ) v úterý 10.5. ve 22 hodin
Důležité: Živý webinář již proběhl. Po registrace Vám pošleme odkaz na záznam.
The Power of Play:
Building Student Engagement, Achievement, and Critical Thinking
Play: it’s more than fun and games!
Learning science principles show that play-based learning can develop higher-order thinking and communication skills, increase engagement, and boost creativity. Join our webinar to learn research-backed strategies to bring the pedagogy of play to your classroom.
Důležité: Živý webinář již proběhl. Po registrace Vám pošleme odkaz na záznam.
About webinar
During this webinar, you will learn:
- What the science of learning says about how play supports students in all grades and content areas
- Six key characteristics of play-based learning
- Practical examples, implementation models, and resources to implement playful, content-rich instruction in your classroom
Meet the hosts...
Megan Jensen
Conrad Nickels
About the webinar series
Science of Learning:
The Webinar Series
Accelerate Learning with Cognitive Science
When educators augment the great work they do with practices driven by the science of learning, that's when the magic really takes off. At Carnegie Learning, our cognitive scientists, engineers, and instructional designers work every day to understand how our brains learn best so that we can optimize and accelerate learning for all students. In our new webinar series, you'll learn how to apply today’s rapidly-emerging neuroscience advancements to your classroom. These webinars will help educators in all disciplines as well as administrators better understand how the science of learning is reshaping education.